ArticlesCNBC: Samir Kapadia on How India’s Semiconductor Collaboration with Singapore Could Shape the Global Market

CNBC: Samir Kapadia on How India’s Semiconductor Collaboration with Singapore Could Shape the Global Market

Samir Kapadia, Founder & CEO of India Index, discusses India's strategic partnership with Singapore to collaborate on semiconductor development. In his CNBC interview, Kapadia highlights how this alliance positions India to advance its manufacturing capabilities, enhancing its global competitiveness.

By India Index

3 min read

India and Singapore recently signed an agreement to cooperate on semiconductor development, a move that is expected to strengthen both nations’ standing in global tech supply chains. This partnership is timely, as countries worldwide seek to diversify and reduce their reliance on a limited number of chip producers, especially amid ongoing geopolitical tensions.

Samir Kapadia, Founder and CEO of India Index, commented on CNBC about the significance of this collaboration. For India, this could mean bolstering its role in the semiconductor sector and providing immense opportunities for local manufacturers to align with global needs.

Kapadia emphasized that the strategic partnership between India and Singapore not only reflects the need for supply chain diversification but also positions India as an emerging force in the global semiconductor landscape. India's talent, expanding infrastructure, and government incentives further solidify its place as a contender for global chip manufacturing, especially as nations move away from reliance on established manufacturing giants like China.

This partnership could spark growth in India's semiconductor manufacturing, leading to increased exports, new collaborations, and a rise in the nation’s global competitiveness in the tech industry.

As countries look to hedge against disruptions, India could become a prime destination for sourcing critical technologies. The collaboration with Singapore marks a step in the right direction for India’s semiconductor ambitions, and India Index remains committed to supporting and fostering these vital international partnerships.

Read the full article here.


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