ArticlesLearn How to Export from India in 2023

Indian Economy

Learn How to Export from India in 2023

For those aspiring to tap into this dynamic market, understanding the intricacies of becoming a supplier and exporter of Indian goods is essential. In this guide, we will walk you through the process, shedding light on what buyers seek in Indian suppliers.

By India Index

4 min read

India, renowned for its diverse cultural heritage, has emerged as a pivotal player in the global trade ecosystem, particularly in the realm of supply chain dynamics. 

With a wide spectrum of manufacturing capabilities, ranging from traditional handicrafts to state-of-the-art technology, Indian manufacturers hold a significant sway in international markets. As exporters and suppliers endeavor to penetrate this dynamic market, understanding the intricacies of the supply chain process becomes imperative.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate you through the intricate landscape, shedding light on the essential criteria that discerning buyers seek from Indian suppliers.

There are some pivotal aspects that suppliers and manufacturers need to focus on when it comes to finding and scaling an export market in a different continent - 

Product Sourcing and Quality Assurance

Procurement of products from reliable manufacturers is the cornerstone of successful exporting. Establish robust relationships with suppliers who adhere to international quality standards. Conduct thorough due diligence, ensuring products meet the required specifications and undergo stringent quality checks.

Packaging and Labeling

Presenting your products attractively is vital in a competitive global market. Ensure packaging is not only aesthetically appealing but also practical for transportation and storage. Clear and accurate labeling, including product details, origin, and handling instructions, instills buyer confidence and complies with international regulations.

Logistics and Shipping

Efficient logistics and shipping solutions are pivotal to seamless export operations. Collaborate with experienced freight forwarders who can handle documentation, customs clearance, and transportation. Optimal shipping methods and delivery timelines play a pivotal role in satisfying buyer expectations.

Currency Exchange and Payment Methods

Navigating currency exchange rates and payment methods is integral to international trade. Offer secure and flexible payment options to buyers, assuring transparency and mitigating risks. Establishing trust in financial transactions is key to fostering long-term buyer relationships.

What are buyers looking for in Indian Suppliers?

Quality and Reliability

Buyers value a consistent supply of high-quality products. Stringent quality control and global standards set reliable exporters apart. Meeting specifications and ensuring product durability builds trust. However, regions differ in quality expectations; e.g., the US, and Europe require extensive certifications covering environmental, social, ethical, safety, health, and technical aspects. 

Suppliers need relevant certifications to show commitment to quality and sustainability, gaining a competitive edge and attracting premium-paying buyers. With India Index, you can choose the exclusive India Index Supply Chain Certification to raise your business to the new worldwide standard for ethical, responsible, and transparent sourcing.

Competitive Pricing

In today's competitive market, pricing is vital for buyer attraction. Indian suppliers offering cost-effective, quality solutions gain an edge. Balance pricing and profit via thorough marketplace research. Changing trade dynamics among countries impact pricing. The USA's shift from China due to trade wars, and rights violations, creates opportunities for Indian exporters, like India. 

Pricing alone doesn't suffice, buyers look for sustainable trade growth and processes too. The US move for ethical, eco-friendly practices opens doors for Indian exporters. Adopting green tech, fair labor, and ethical standards enhances the brand and attracts buyers. 

By excelling here, Indian exporters elevate brand, attract buyers, and enrich their global reputation. And with the India index, you Get discovered by 5,000+ US-based companies looking to exit their Chinese supply chain.

Sustainable Practices

The global shift toward sustainable and ethical practices has influenced buyer preferences. Indian suppliers who prioritize eco-friendly production, ethical sourcing, and responsible manufacturing resonate positively with environmentally-conscious buyers.

Thorough Documentation

It is good practice to be mindful of the HS codes of the products you want to export. For instance, here is a short and quick HS code guide. 

Products in concern? 

Indian goods with the highest export volume

  • 300490: Medicaments, therapeutic products in doses, retail packaging
  • 711319: Jewelry, precious metal, excluding diamonds
  • 870322: Motor cars for people transport, spark-ignition engine, 1,000-1,500cc
  • 271019: Petroleum oils, preparations with 70%+ petroleum content
  • 620342: Men’s/boys’ cotton trousers, overalls, breeches, shorts


Becoming successful suppliers and exporters of Indian goods requires a multi-faceted approach. By leveraging India's Export Portal, aligning with legal requirements, and establishing a solid network of reliable suppliers, exporters can position themselves for growth. Understanding buyer expectations—ranging from quality and innovation to transparency and timeliness—further ensures a competitive edge in the global market. As India continues to wav its economic tapestry on the international stage, those who master the art of exporting stand poised to reap the rewards of this thriving trade ecosystem.

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